komodo dragon habitat

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 05 Januari 2014 0 komentar
komodo dragon habitat
komodo dragon habitat - It's not easy for us to see directly the lives of dragons in their natural habitat . There needs to be preparation and specialized knowledge , but they will be paid off with tremendous experience in the islands included in the 7 wonders of the natural world .Komodo Island is an island located in Flores , East Nusa Tenggara . It takes about 3 hours trip to Komodo Island of Labuan Bajo Port became the entrance Flores Island community of Bali and Nusa Tenggara .Komodo with large size greet us when arriving on the island , which is now a National Park . Initially the fear of getting hit mind because based on the information , including the Komodo dragon in cold-blooded animals . Be thankful because we bring a Rangger (call for dragons handler ) that will always accompany , maintain , and brought the group to look at as they circled the island of Komodo .It did not take long to expel the Rangger dragons that look dangerous . Finally we were able to get into the location of the island of Komodo . However , unfortunately one of our colleagues , can not follow because a trip to the island was experiencing coming months . Indeed, the fact there has rule to say when a woman is menstruating are not allowed in the area to the island of Komodo dragons have a very keen sense of smell and can be harmful to blood tourists.

Shortly into the island is only inhabited by people from the Ministry of Forestry to maintain the island of Komodo , the atmosphere seemed barren . Just seen mud - mud has dried and mangrove forests which serves to keep the abrasion . Even so , we should always be careful and vigilant because any time dragons can be around us . Well , because dragons are animals with a high degree of camouflage , if not careful can be dangerous .Not long after we arrived at the command post where visitors gather to receive a briefing from the Rangger before exploring the island . In the briefing area Rangger explain Komodo Island , what if we meet dragons , what are the dos and don'ts for exploring the island , and use mosquito repellent because the area is forested . Incidentally , catch mosquitoes that previously had a fairly large size . Rangger explained as he showed a tool to keep the dragons from the participants if at the time of the trip met with dragons .Next, prepare to repel the usual wooden dragons , use the lotion , and do not miss our given mineral water will pass through a field of hills . On the way we had to go through a wooden house that serves as a kitchen . Very easy to find prey were fed awaits here . However , from the description Rangger , here prey were not given food , they have to find their own food .In addition to the cold-blooded dragons are also known as Animal Cannibal . Not infrequently when it is running we will find prey were being fought and devour each other .Along the way Rangger tell how dragons feed herself with food . Komodo is known as cold-blooded animals , has a unique way of capturing the prey . Komodo approaching prey and with a small bite or lick , the prey will die within 2-3 days . Because the Komodo dragon saliva containing thousands of bacteria that is highly malignant .Then , what about humans ? " There have been bitten by the dragons guard , Alhamdulillah was aware of and immediately given antibiotics , " said the ranger .After a 15 minute drive we arrived at a hill approximately 20 meters . Take a break , then resume the journey to the top of the hill . Before I and his entourage arrived at the top of the hill , we found a Komodo dragon back under a tree and quietly in the bushes . Suddenly we were surprised and away from the dragons . Thanks to the rapid response Rangger immediately sterilize the area .

Incredible views , this location is often used by TV stations and photographers to take and perpetuate the natural beauty of the island of Komodo . Without wasting time we went on a trip exploring the hills and then down to a place where the dragons lay her eggs .Along the way Rangger tell about how dragons lay her eggs and protect it from enemy attack . Komodo is also an animal camouflage make some holes to store their eggs until the babies born dragons . When looking into the location there are about 5 holes . Three holes located on the front and two at the rear . The Rangger could not provide information regarding the presence of the egg where it is located ." I do not know that there are eggs which, because if we dismantle the nest will be subject to its laws , " he said .
Pleased to see the beauty , grandeur , and unique lifestyle dragons , we went back to the original post . However , on the way we found a baby dragons measuring less than 10 cm . Even though tiny still need to look carefully.It was an unforgettable experience to come to this island . The natural beauty of Indonesia does have its own value miracle . Starting its natural state is pretty and lovely and lives up to its unique fauna that exist in it . It is appropriate when Komodo Island to be one of the seven wonders of the world .

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komodo dragon attack

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komodo dragon attack : Unexpectedly on Tuesday , a six-foot Komodo sneak into the guard post Komodo National Park in Nusa Tenggara Tenggara.

Animals that attack the officers who came into the office , unaware unpleasant surprise awaited him . Giant lizard was then attacked another employee who tried to help her .
As published by the BBC on Wednesday ( 02/06/2013 ) night , consequently , the second victim was seriously injured as a result of the bite of the Komodo and should be immediately rushed to the hospital in Bali .
One park officials , Heru Rudiharto said the case against the dragons attack national park rangers also been the year 2009.
In the wild , animals are touted as " the last dinosaur on earth " that can reach three feet in length and weighed about 70 pounds .
Monitor lizards are usually prey on large mammals , reptiles , and small birds , but often it also attack humans . As happened in 2009. Two dragons gang up on a fruit picker to death .

Mystery of Komodo bites

For that big body , animal bite force komodoensis Latin name Varanus relatively soft . But , never be underestimated !
The results of research biologists from the University of New South Wales , Australia found that in the mouth of Komodo there are several dozen razor-sharp teeth .
The pointy teeth combined with strong muscles in her neck fat . This makes Komodo bites can be deadly .
He also had a unique eating technique . After capturing prey and thrust 60 sharp teeth , strong throat muscles will pull prey into the stomach .
Komodo will swallow their prey whole and regurgitate intact remnants of which can not be digested : hair and some bones .
Not to mention the other deadly weapon : saliva . The experts reveal the biochemical composition of the saliva of Komodo found levels of toxins in them , which can quickly lower blood pressure , accelerate blood loss , and make the victim into shock - helpless to resist .The scientists found that what is contained in the saliva of the Komodo -like toxin possessed the most venomous snakes that live in the inland Taipan , Australia.

says the article about the komodo dragon attack, please visit our other articles

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komodo dragon venom

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014 0 komentar

komodoTempat poison dragons live

komodo dragon venomThese animals creeping on a small island in the western Flores . On the island of Rinca , and the majority live on Komodo Island . In addition to the ancient animal , the region is also famous for its natural beauty and underwater scenery lure the tourists .
A number of islands and underwater riches enter into the Komodo National Park . The national park was chosen to be one of the seven wonders of the world , after competing with hundreds of other wonders of the world . In addition to the giant animal , the Komodo island - as the island of Rinca , etc. - are also hundreds of fishing families live . Their generations living together . In fact, according to local legend , it was the giant animal is human .

Food dragons

Daily meal is another animal on the island . Man, if you do not follow the guidelines of the handlers there also could be threatened . Wounded , could even be a target . How the giant beast in action and kill his opponent ?

komodo dragon venom

komodo dragon venomA number of experts have done the research . Initially it was believed that she was killed by strangulation huge body . But some studies suggest that the deadly poison of dragons located in saliva . The saliva is then entered in the laboratory a number of universities in the world . The experts examined what was the poison in the saliva and how the process of formation of the poison .
Research experts at the University of Texas found that it was caused by the deadly poison of dragons that dental health is very bad . Bad teeth that cause infection . Bacterial infections can be thousands . If bitten by a Komodo , it's like moving it to the thousands of bacterial prey . That's how he could kill deer and wild pigs on the island .
The researchers found that these bacteria spread from one komodo dragons to another . The spread of these bacteria can kill fellow dragons community . " These findings indicate bacterial epidemic spread among the lizard 's mouth through a hazy prey attacked at the start , " said researchers from the University of Texas as reported by the Daily Mail .
Researchers found an average of 58 species of bacteria found in the saliva of the Komodo dragon . As many as 93 percent of these infections are classified as having a potential pathogen . They found one species of bacteria malignant Pastuerella multocida . Rats were injected with bacterial content of saliva dragons this die right away .

But the dragon was very obedient to the handler on the island . Science becomes the handler was studied many years . From experience and from their proximity to the animal . That 's why , every tourist that way with the handler , almost never disturbed . The tourists who come there can be fun photo with the giant animal , as memories .
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komodo island

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Komodo Island National Park

Region of Origin : West Manggarai
Province : East Nusa Tenggara

Geographic Location

komodo island
A volcanic island that is home to around 5,700 giant lizards , sandwiched between Sumbawa and Flores Island border of East Nusa Tenggara ( NTT ) and West Nusa Tenggara ( NTB ) , and administratively entered kewilayah West Manggarai , NTT. Taklain , the place name is Komodo Island National Park .
Komodo Island National Park consists of three main islands , namely the island of Komodo , Rinca , and Padar . Amounting to 603 km2 rest are small islands . When totaled , widely Komodo Island National Park reached 1917 km2 .


In general, the topography of the island of Komodo dansekitarnyacuram and steep . That is because the position of the national parks in the cluster of active volcanoes between Australia and the Sunda shelf . Typography Komodo island is dominated by a range of rounded hills along the axis of the north to the south at an altitude of 500-600 meters . The coastline of the island of Komodo and the surrounding irregular , it is marked by numerous coastal bays and inlets separated by headlands and steep cliffs .


Types of vegetation on the island is dominated by forest - savanna grasses , particularly anthropogenic origin , which covers approximately 70 % of the park . The dominant trees are palm savannah . Deciduous forest ( monsoon ) tropical occurs along the base of the hill and the valley base .

Flora and Fauna

Komodo Island store relict flora of many endemic species . It was marked by moss-covered stone , rattan , bamboo groves , and many tree species are generally present at low altitude . In Komodo island beaches , mangrove trees are often encountered . Usually found in bays Komodo island, Rinca , and Padar .
As has been mentioned above that the national park is famous for the largest lizard species in the world . The population of the animals ' ancient ' is distributed in the islands of Komodo , Rinca , and Gili cut , and in certain coastal areas west and north of Flores .


The islands of Komodo , Padar , Rinca , and Gili cut and the surrounding waters are luasnya75.000 ha declared a national park on March 6, 1980 ( MoF , 1990) . In 1984 the park was expanded to 219 322 ha by the Decree of the Minister 46/kpts/VI-Sek/1984 . Much earlier , in 1938 , Padar and Rinca are protected as part of a nature reserve and is then expanded in 1965 in conjunction with the inauguration of Komodo Island as a biosphere reserve under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme in January 1977 through Decree No. . 66 .
In 1986 by UNESCO , Komodo Island National Park was declared as one of the world who need to be in lindungiatau biosphere reserve . At first , the park aims to melesatarikan species of dragons or in Latin is called Varanuskomodoensis .
People who live in the Komodo National Park numbered 4,521 inhabitants in 2010. A majority of professional fishermen occupied by residents of the island of Komodo and surrounding areas. They come from Bajau tribe Bugis . Meanwhile , the original inhabitants of the island of Komodo is the Ata Modo tribes that still exist on the island of Komodo . But along with the number of migrants from other regions then blood , indigenous culture and language has been mixed with the newcomers .
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komodo dragon facts

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komodo dragon facts

Komodo or Komodo dragons can be called as this has a scientific name Varanus komodoensis who live on the island of Komodo , Rinca , Flores , Gili Mota , and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara . This lizard by the natives of Komodo island is often referred to as the ' Ora ' .Wonders of The World Komodo Dragon
komodo dragon facts

Classification imliah dragons :
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Reptilia
Order : Squamata
Upaordo : Autarchoglossa
Family: Varanidae
Genus : Varanus
Species : V. komodoensis
After learning the scientific classification of these dragons , you also need to know some facts about this unique animal and terrible . Here are the facts about Komodo :

1 . Largest lizard species , but not the Longest

Komodo is more called Komodo dragons ( Varanus komodoensis ) , is the world's largest lizard species that live on the islands of Komodo , Rinca , Flores , Gili Mota , and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara . Although listed as the largest lizard the Komodo dragon is still alive , but not the longest . Because of this reputation held by Papua lizard ( Varanus salvadorii ) .

2 . Original Indonesian Endemic animal

Komodo is an endemic species native to Indonesia . Why is endemic ? Due to an endemic organism can be said to be found only in one place and not found anywhere else . And dragons can only be found in Indonesia , which is spread over the islands of Komodo , Rinca , Flores , Gili Mota , and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara .

3 . Occupy Predator Peak Position

Because of his body , these lizards occupy the position of a top predator that dominate the ecosystems in which they live . Komodo can kill animals bigger than his size , can even kill and eat humans .

4 . Protected Animals

Dragons in the wild habitat has been shrinking due to human activity and therefore incorporate dragons IUCN as a species vulnerable to extinction . This large lizard is now protected under Indonesian law and a national park , namely Komodo National Park , established to protect them .

5 . Komodo dragons are largely solitary

Komodo dragons are largely solitary , they gathered together only to breed and eat . Mating occurs between May and August , and dragons eggs laid in September . During this period , a male and a female fight to defend their territory by way of " grappling " with other males while standing on his hind legs . Komodo loser will fall and " locked " into the ground .
6 . Quick ran Up to 20 km / h and 4.5 -meter -deep diving Able
Large reptiles can scoot to 20 miles per hour in short distances ; swim very well and can dive as deep as 4.5 meters , as well as clever climb trees using their powerful claws .
7 . Could have and Deadly Bacteria
It was known that injuries from animal bites is very prone to infection because of the bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon 's mouth , but the researchers suggest that the direct effect that appears at the bite wounds can be caused by the inclusion of intermediate magnitude . These researchers have observed the wounds in the hands of humans from lizard Varanus varius bite , V. scalaris and dragons . And all of them showed a similar reaction , namely : rapid swelling within minutes , localized disruption of blood clotting , pain gripping up to the elbow , with some symptoms that last up to several hours later . A gland that can contain highly toxic has been successfully retrieved from the mouth of a Komodo dragon at the Singapore Zoo , and convince the researchers will be content that belongs to the dragons .
In addition it contains can , dragons saliva also has a variety of deadly bacteria in it , more than 28 Gram- negative and Gram - positive 29 have been isolated from the saliva . These bacteria cause septicemia in their victim . If the dragons bite does not directly kill the prey and the prey can escape , generally hapless prey will die within a week of infection. The most deadly bacteria in Komodo dragon saliva is very deadly bacterium Pasteurella multocidayang ; known through experiments with laboratory rats . Because dragons seem to be immune to its own microbes , much research was done to find antibacterial molecules in the hope it can be used for the treatment of human
8 . The female Komodo If forced Able Without laying fertilized Stud
In addition to the normal reproductive process , there are several examples of cases of female dragons to produce children without the presence of males ( parthenogenesis ) , a phenomenon also known to occur in several other species of reptiles such as Whiptail Lizards . A Komodo dragon at London Zoo , has been laying in early 2006 after being separated from males for more than two years . Scientists initially assumed that she can store sperm results from the marriage with a male before, an adaptation known as superfecundation .
On December 20, 2006, it was reported that Flora , the Komodo dragon living in the Chester Zoo , UK is the second known Komodo produce eggs without fertilization ( conception of marriage ) . He took 11 eggs , and 7 of them hatched . Scientists at Liverpool University in northern England performed genetic tests on three eggs that collapsed after being moved to the incubator , and verified that Flora does not have physical contact with a male . After this surprising finding , testing showed eggs river and get that rose eggs produced without outside fertilization . Amazing is not an article about the komodo dragon facts ! And of course we can add insight . A few articles that I can make.

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komodo gragons

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Komodo dragon house

komodo gragons
Indonesia is popularly known as the habitat of endangered animals dragons . Last week , seven dragons have been born at Surabaya Zoo , East Java . The eggs that hatch is part of artificial incubation scheme which aims to keep the dragons from extinction entity . Moreover , this scheme is considered safe because it reduces the risk of natural hazards liar.Anak - hatchlings were born weighing each about five ounces . It is estimated that , when fully grown animal can have up to 10 meters long and weighing up to 150 kilograms .
Original habitat of the Komodo dragon on the island , which is located in East Nusa Tenggara , Indonesia . 
From the last report , this time remaining 4,000-5,000 dragons survive Reported NPR , March 18, 2013 .

Komodo Food

Komodo dragons are anything including carrion eaters . Animals such as deer , pigs , small lizards , buffalo , even humans can be santapannya everyday .
Usually when the prey has been in the grip , strong legs and claws of dragons that would jagged tearing prey stomach contents perutnya.Hewan to enjoy this also has a secret weapon , namely saliva . Yes , saliva is very poisonous because it contains 50 bacteria . If the prey is exposed to the saliva of the Komodo dragon , the animal within 24 hours it will be paralyzed and die .
In addition, the dragons also has a keen sense of smell . These animals can track the whereabouts of carcasses within tens of meters . Four of the seven tailed hatchlings born in Surabaya Zoo , Reptile Expert lalu.Laman week say , very difficult to create a pair of dragons . These animals are very "picky . " In fact , if the zoo brings together a pair of dragons in one cage , there is no guarantee that the two dragons will make the process of mating .
Therefore , the Surabaya Zoo perform artificial breeding of dragons . It becomes a sniper tactics because dragons are very difficult animals paired However , there are also some surprising evidence that females experienced a miracle komodo Parthenogenesis , or virgin birth without mating process . It is a form of asexual reproduction in which embryos occurs without fertilization growth . says the article about the komodo dragon place, please enjoy our other articles

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History of Komodo

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History of Komodo

history of Komodo

History of Komodo - About 40 million years ago in Asia emerging species of dragons that starts with the Varanus genus , which then migrate to Australia . The next 15 million years ago the giant lizard is moving towards the area now known as Indonesia , because meeting the continental shelf of Australia and Southeast Asia . Komodo is believed to have evolved from a common ancestor Australia about 4 million years ago and extends its distribution to as far East .

When the Dutch fleet in 1910 discovered a mysterious creature allegedly " dragon " inhabit the Lesser Sunda Islands . Furthermore, by Lieutenant Steyn van Hensbroek , an official Dutch Colonial Administration in the Flores findings are acted upon . In 1912 , Peter A. Ouwens , director of the Zoological Museum in Bogor publish to the world of dragons through the dissertation . In preaching , advising Ouwens giant lizard name " Varanus komodoensis " for dragons , instead of the nickname Komodo Dragon ( Komodo Dragon ) .

About Komodo

Animals dragons have long 3 meters and weighing 90 kg , is the world's largest lizard species that is now declared as one of the 7 natural wonders of the world .

Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism , the tendency for body meraksasanya certain animals that live in small island linked to the absence of mammalian carnivores on the island where dragons live and the rate of metabolism of small dragons . Because of his body , these giant lizards occupy the position of a top predator that dominate the ecosystems of his life .

These animals are found naturally only on the island of Komodo , NTT , Indonesia . Living in a dry, open grasslands , savannas and tropical forests . They are active during the day although sometimes active at night .

Komodo dragons can run up to 20 miles per hour in short distances , swim very well and can dive as deep as 4.5 meters and clever to climb trees using strong claws . To catch prey out of reach , these animals can stand on its hind legs and use its tail as a support .

For shelter , the animals dig a hole as deep as 1-3 feet with front legs and strong claws . Because of his body and the habit of sleeping in a hole , dragons can conserve body heat throughout the night and reduces the time sunbathe on the next morning . Hiding places are usually located in the hills with the sea breeze , open from vegetation . This place is generally a strategic location to ambush deer. Komodo can locate prey by using a keen sense of smell and can find animals dead or dying at a distance of 9.5 kilometers .

Komodo National Park

In 1915 the Dutch government finally set the Komodo Island as a nature conservation area for animals dragons . In 1986 the Park declared as a World Heritage Site ( World Heritage Site ) and a Man ​​and Biosphere Reserve ( a World Biosphere Reserve ) by UNESCO .

Having a total area of ​​1,817 km ² , in the conservation area in 2500 to live dragons tail spread in some places are the main island of Komodo , Rinca , Padar and Gili Mota . Dragons natural habitat is open grassland savanna , rainforest , white sandy beaches , coral reefs , and beaches where the water is crystal clear . In this area , can be found other animals such as horses , wild buffalo , deer , wild boar male , snakes , monkeys , and various species of birds .

Komodo National Park also has the amazing underwater life . The divers claim that Komodo waters are one of the best dive sites in the world . With stunning views of the sea bottom where there are 385 species of beautiful corals , mangrove forests and sea grass , as well as home to thousands of species of fish , 70 types of sponges, 10 types of dolphins , 6 types of whales, green turtles , and various types of sharks and stingrays .

This location can be reached from Kupang , Ende to the plane and then forwarded by minibus to the town of Labuan Bajo for 10 hours of travel , upon arrival heading to Komodo Island by speed boat for 2 hours .
that's a glimpse of the history of komodo may be useful.

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